The Journey Day 66 – 100

It has been almost 5 weeks since I last wrote. With everything going on it became too difficult to write each day and stay on track with my eating along with other commitments. Before I review whats been going on and provide an update I want to post my current stats: Today’s stats: 5/23/2017 Begin … [Read more…]

The Journey Day 45-65

It has been awhile since I have last blogged. Unf0rtunately things have not slowed down one bit. I have been spending all of my spare time researching everything related to heart disease, the causes of it and how to heal my heart through various supplements, diet, vitamins and minerals. I am still on my diet … [Read more…]

The Journey Day 37 to 44

With everything going on health wise I have not been able to stay on top of this unfortunately. I am still focused on losing weight and even though I have been staying on track my weight loss has stalled out pretty bad. My current stats Today’s stats: 3/28/2017 Begin Date: 2/13/2017 Starting Weight: 351.6 Today’s Weight : 325 Total Weight … [Read more…]

The Journey Day 32 to 36

So I am just going to start immediately with stats and then go on to what transpired on the evening of Day 31 (3-15-2017) . Today’s stats: 3/20/2017 Begin Date: 2/13/2017 Starting Weight: 351.6 Today’s Weight : 327 Total Weight Loss: 24.6 lbs Days: 35 Average Weight loss: .70 lbs per day Wednesday evening I was having terrible pain for the … [Read more…]

The Journey Day 31

Last night was rough several times I wanted to eat bad, I did not break though. Today I am better for not doing it and I do not have those cravings today like I did last night. Just missed the mark but I am happy that I am very close to being the lowest I … [Read more…]

The Journey Day 30

Well here I am at day 29 (technically it says 30 but that is when the blog began. The actual initial weigh in and weight loss began the day after the blog was started. I do not think I am going to hit my goal of being down 20lbs in 30 days. Todays stats Today’s stats: 3/14/2017 … [Read more…]

The Journey Day 29

Well I stand corrected the weight I gained from Saturdays celebrations wasn’t just water weight as I retained most of what I gained back. It is quite disappointing really. The cardiologist is very concerned over my weight so much so he mentioned bariatric surgery. This really was upsetting news today. Sure I was not expecting … [Read more…]

The Journey Day 28

Yesterday I celebrated a friends birthday and we went to his favorite place. Unfortunately it is an all you can eat steak type buffet. The food was excellent but I paid for it dearly with a 5lb weight gain. To say I am frustrated by this would be an understatement. I feel like I just … [Read more…]

The Journey Day 27

I was able to do a quick weigh in for today as power has been restored but internet was not so I will only be posting the stats for today. Have a lot to do due to power outage. Today’s stats: 3/11/2017 Begin Date: 2/13/2017 Starting Weight: 351.6 Today’s Weight : 332.6 Total Weight Loss: … [Read more…]