The Journey Day 24

Another day and more progress. I will find out this evening how far off my scale is from my doctors.  I hope mine is close. I have been taking the first reading every morning to avoid the discrepancy of it weighing differently each time I get on the scale. This morning the display on the … [Read more…]

The Journey Day 23

I am back on track and focused on getting results. I want to drop 20-30lbs by the end of the month. I am hoping I can find a way to drop weight quicker so I can be at the higher end of the weight loss range and make up for the lack of progress the … [Read more…]

The Journey Day 22

Today’s stats: 3/6/2017 Begin Date: 2/13/2017 Starting Weight: 351.6 Today’s Weight : 339.2 Total Weight Loss: 12.4lbs Days: 21 Average Weight loss: .59 lbs per day Gained 2.4 lbs back  – Trending Back Down. I want to break my previous lowest weight which was 336.8. I am hoping to drop down to 330 or lower by the end of … [Read more…]

The Journey Day 19, 20 and 21

Okay so I am writing this now today (Monday the 6th). I ended up feeling not so great over the course of this weekend. My healthy eating went right off the rails along with being sick. All day Friday I had a headache that continued into the night. Saturday I ended up going to urgent … [Read more…]

The Journey Day 18

I stayed on track last night and did not deviate. I didn’t really have any cravings which is good considering lunch sucked yesterday. I don’t know how this place  that I am getting the pre-made meals from cooks their chicken but sometimes it so dry it takes a liter of water just to wash it … [Read more…]

The Journey Day 17

Nothing good to report I’m afraid. My weight is up again. I’m going backwards on my progress my one weight tracking app is showing nothing but red. I have been going carb crazy since the weekend. Truth be told I snuck a slice of pizza in on Monday and last night almost ordered one. Then … [Read more…]

The Journey Day 16

Went to bed later then expected last night, a lot of thinking going on plus playing Gears of War 4 which I picked up last weekend. While I am thoroughly enjoying the game I think playing that probably caused me to stay up later than expected so I will have to play it on the … [Read more…]

The Journey Day 15

Got woken up before my alarm went off for work from severe stomach discomfort. I did my usual morning routine and ate breakfast. I got out to the car and then as soon as I sat down I got the worst stomach pain and had to quickly get up and dash back into the house. … [Read more…]

The Journey Day 14

This morning I ended up getting breakfast out I just could not resist getting the meat lovers skillet this morning. I should not have gotten it but I just had to have it. I did a lot of running around on errands today. I did also sneak a slice of pizza late tonight. I am hoping … [Read more…]

The Journey Day 13

Well today got off to a busy start. Had to get my tires rotated first thing this morning. I have to say this is one of those mornings where I really REALLY wanted coffee. After my rotation was done I went home and picked up my girlfriend to go pickup her first subscription box of food from the store. After … [Read more…]