The Journey Day 12

Yesterday was my second day of being in an increasingly foul mood. I also was suffering from a headache. I decided that due to my mood in addition to my recent stall out of progress and not feeling so wonderful I would break my healthy eating for dinner last night and ordered out. My mood … [Read more…]

The Journey Day 11

Got to bed later then I wanted to last night but I really wanted to see The Expanse last night. Last night was a little rough with food cravings but I did not break. The scale this morning took 4 tries (one being an error) until I got the same reading twice.  I have looked … [Read more…]

The Journey Day 10

Last night I did not get the opportunity to post an evening post as I wanted to get to bed earlier so that I could try to get at least 8 hours of sleep. I replaced the batteries in the scale last night but that does not appear to be resolving the issue, again when … [Read more…]

The Journey Day 9 – Morning

Well I woke up this morning and did my weigh in. Needless to say I am disappointed as the scale first said I was 339.6 which means I went up in weight. This makes no sense as I ate no more than what I have been eating for the past week. I did not cheat … [Read more…]

The Journey Day 8 – Morning

Well woke up this morning and did my weigh in. I did not drop as much as I hoped to I suspect last nights dinner was way too calorie dense and way too big of a portion. I still lost some weight but today has been by far the least amount of weight I have lost since … [Read more…]

The Journey Day 7

So I made it through Saturday. Today I woke up and ate my P28 pancakes. P28 is a special brand of protein infused breads, wraps and more. The pancakes were extremely DRY so much so I started coughing on them. I literally had to drink 3 glasses of water to wash them down. I also … [Read more…]

The Journey Day 6

If anyone has been following me they are probably wondering if I broke over the weekend well that remains to be seen. But I can report on Friday night and Saturday. Last night I did not get the chance to post an evening post, however Friday night was by far the hardest time yet. I wanted … [Read more…]

The Journey Day 5 – Morning

Well, I didn’t hit my goal this morning of losing 10lbs I came up shy eight-tenths of a pound. I have to say I am disappointed as I even took a walk around my neighborhood yesterday. I’m not sure if this is just a slowdown by my body or the lack of sleep, eating too … [Read more…]

The Journey Day 4 – Evening

Today has not been the easiest day. Carb cravings started this afternoon when I started feeling like crap. Ended up with a headache again this afternoon and at times felt a little dizzy. I think the sudden sugar cutoff I did was a little much but I certainly couldn’t keep eating chicken wings or chicken … [Read more…]

The Journey Day 4 – Morning

Last night I got to sleep faster but I do need more sleep I am feeling a little tired today. For this morning’s breakfast I had a Southwestern Omelet again as I was hungry from yesterday again the spice should help knock down some of the hunger. I cut down to only one tablespoon of … [Read more…]